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Figure 1: One of the sulfur-enriched mineral springs at Big Bone Lick State Park, Boone County, KY. The area within and around Big Bone Lick State Park, Boone County, KY has numerous sulfur-enriched mineral springs. Sediment from this spring was the source of the Psychrobacter isolate described here.

Figure 2: One of the sulfur-enriched mineral springs at Big Bone Lick State Park, Boone County, KY (Labeled view)

Figure 3: Psychrobacter colony morphology on tryptic soy agar. To view the colony morphology Psychrobacter cells were streaked onto tryptic soy agar and incubated at 25°C overnight. The colonies are non-pigmented, round, glossy and opaque.

Figure 4: Gram stain and cellular morphology of PsychrobacterIn preparation for gram-staining, Psychrobacter was grown overnight in LB at 25°C. The image as viewed at 1000X under oil using a Nikon E200 Eclipse microscope shows Gram-negative coccobacilli typical of Psychrobacter.

Figure 5: Expanded view of gram-stained Psychrobacter showing diplococciThe arrows point to paired-cells (or diplococci) characteristic of some Psychrobacter isolates.

Figure 6: Expanded view of gram-stained Psychrobacter showing diplococci (Labeled view)

Figure 7: Salt tolerance of Psychrobacter. Psychrobacter is halotolerant, as illustrated by its ability to grow the presence of NaCl ranging from 0-10%. At 15% NaCl growth is dramatically reduced; at 20% NaCl growth is negligible.

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